-- 作者:raybit
-- 发布时间:2006-2-8 15:45:05
-- <b>[征集翻译] 使用精油的五十种方式</b>
------- 英文源文 来源:英文精油书籍
Fifty Ways to Use Essential Oils
1. For good smelling towels, sheets, clothes, etc. place a few drops of your favorite essential oil onto a small piece of terry cloth and toss into the clothes dryer while drying. Add 5 drops essential oil to 1/4 cup fabric softener or water and place in the center cup of the washer. 翻译:如何让清洗过的毛巾、被单、衣服、等物品散发出您所喜爱的植物芳香呢,实际上操作非常的简单,如果您的衣物请洗过是通过干衣机烘干的,那么在您使用干衣机烘干衣物的时候,可以将一小块预先准备的布料上滴上几滴您喜爱的精油,然后将这块布料同您洗干净的衣物一同放入干衣机内烘干即可;或者在衣物柔软剂中滴加您所喜爱的精油也是可以的,每次洗衣服的时候将混合好精油的柔软剂放入洗衣机的柔软剂注入口即可(用量说明:一般 1/4杯的柔软剂中添加伍滴左右的精油);这样洗出来的衣服就会散发出您所喜爱的植物芳香的味道了...
2. Potpourri which has lost its scent can be revived by adding a few drops of essential oil. 翻译:在已经没有香味的干花袋中加入几滴精油,可使其重新恢复芳香。
3. Add a few drops of oil to water in a spray bottle and use as an air freshener. 翻译:将几滴精油加入水中,放在喷瓶中,就可以当空气清新剂使用了。
4. Add a few drops essential oil to a pan of water and simmer on stove or in a potpourri pot. 翻译:适量水中加入几滴精油,缓慢加热进行香薰或将精油滴入干花罐中。
5. To enjoy a scented candle, place a drop or two into the hot melted wax as the candle bums. 翻译:点燃一支蜡烛,在受热熔化的蜡上滴一两滴精油,你就可以享受香精蜡烛散发的香气了。
6. To dispel household cooking odors, add a few drops of Clove oil to a simmering pan. 翻译:在烧热的锅里加几滴丁香精油,可消除家里因烹饪而产生的气味。
7. For tired aching muscles or arthritis aches, mix 3 drops eucalyptus, 2 drops rosemary and 3 drops lavender oil to one ounce Sweet Almond or other vegetable oil and use as a massage oil. 翻译:缓解因疲劳引起的肌肉酸痛或关节炎疼痛,可以将3滴尤加利精油、2滴迷迭香精油、3滴薰衣草精油加入1盎司的甜杏仁油或其他基础油中作按摩油用。
8. Ease headache pain by rubbing a drop of Rosemary or Lavender oil onto the back of your neck. 翻译:缓解头痛,可以用一滴迷迭香或熏衣草精油在后颈上按摩。
9. To blend your own massage oil, add 3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil to 1 oz. Sweet Almond or other skin- nourishing vegetable oil. 翻译:调配有自己个性的按摩油,可以在1盎司甜杏仁油或其他护肤基础油中加入3-5滴你喜欢的精油。
10. Add 10 drops of essential oil to a box of cornstarch or baking soda, mix very well, let set for a day or two and then sprinkle over the carpets on your home. Let set for an hour or more, then vacuum. 翻译:一盒玉米淀粉或发酵粉中加入10滴精油,充分混合后放置一到两天,然后均匀撒在室内的地毯上,静置一到二小时后用吸尘器清除。
11. To make a natural flea collar, saturate a short piece of cord or soft rope with Pennyroyal or Tea Tree oil, roll up in a handkerchief and tie loosely around the animal\'s neck. 翻译:为易长跳蚤的动物制作一根天然的项圈:将一条棉布或一根软绳用薄荷或茶树精油浸透,并将其裹在一张手帕里,宽松地拴在动物的颈部。
12. Shoes can be freshened by either dropping a few drops of Geranium essential oil directly into the shoes or by placing a cotton ball dabbed with a few drops of Lemon oil into the shoes. Athlete\'s foot? Tea Tree is great! 翻译:要想消除鞋子的气味,滴几滴天竺葵精油在鞋子里,或把蘸有几滴柠檬精油的棉花球上放在鞋子里。香港脚?茶树精油是它的克星!
13. Put a few drops of your favorite essential oil on a cotton ball and place it in your vacuum cleaner bag. Lemon and Pine are nice. Rose Geranium helps with pet odors. 翻译:放几滴你喜欢的精油在棉球上放入清洁袋,如柠檬和松就很好。玫瑰天竺葵可以辟除宠物味。
14. To fragrance your kitchen cabinets and drawers, place a good scent dabbed on a cotton ball into an inconspicuous comer. 翻译:要使厨房里的橱柜和抽屉气味芬芳,把气味芳香的精油滴入棉花球,然后将棉花球放在柜里或抽屉不显眼处。
15. Are mice a problem? Place several drops of Peppermint oil on a cotton ball and place at problem locations. 翻译:有老鼠出没?把滴入几滴欧薄荷精油的棉花球放在老鼠出没的地方。
16. The bathroom is easily scented by placing oil-scented cotton balls in inconspicuous places, or sprinkle oils directly onto silk or dried flower arrangements or wreaths. 翻译:把洒有香精油的棉花球放在浴室不显眼的地方,或直接把精油喷撒在丝绸或干花束上,这是保持浴室气味芳香的简易办法
17. Apply true Lavender oil or Tea Tree oil directly to cuts, scrapes or scratches. 1 or 2 drops will promote healing. 翻译:用1-2滴薰衣草精油或茶树精油直接涂抹在割伤或擦伤的伤口上,有助伤口恢复。
18. Homemade soaps are pleasant and offer therapeutic effects when scented with essential oils. Use soaps which contain pure essential oils. 翻译:放了精油的自制精油皂是令人愉快的且能提供治疗效果-使用含纯精油的皂皂。
19. Homemade sachets are more fragrant when essential oils are blended with the flowers and herbs. 翻译:混合了精油的花草的自制成的香袋有比较芬芳的味道。
20. An essential oil dropped onto a radiator scent ring or light bulb will not only fill the room with a wonderful fragrance, but will also set a mood such as calming or uplifting. (Don\'t put essential oil in the socket.) 翻译:将精油滴在电暖炉或者灯泡上,将不尽使你的房间气味芬芳,并且是你身心舒畅或神采奕奕(请不要将精油滴在插座内)。
21. A few drops of your favorite oil or blend in the rinse water of your hand washables makes for pleasant results. 翻译:滴几滴你喜欢的精油到洗发水或洗手液中,会带给你惊喜。
22. Anise oil has been used by fishermen for years. Use a drop or two on the fingertips before baiting up. Anise covers up the human scent that scares the fish away. 翻译:渔夫用茴芹精油用了很久了。在下鱼饵前放一两滴在指尖上,因为茴芹精油可以掩盖会让鱼逃走的人类味道。
23. Essential oils or blends make wonderful perfumes. Create your own personal essence! Add 25 drops to 1 oz of perfume alcohol and allow to age for two weeks before using. 翻译:精华油或混合而成的油可制成很好的香味,创造属于你自己的本质精华。加25滴到一盎斯香水酒精里并静置两周后再使用就可以了。
24. To dispel mosquitoes and other picnic pests, drop a few drops of Citronella oil on the melted wax of a candle or place a few drops on the Bar-B-Q hot coals. 翻译:驱蚊或别的野外有害物,可以滴几滴香茅精油在熔化的蜡状物或蜡烛上或是野外烤肉的热煤上。
25. 1 drop of Lemon essential oil applied directly to a wart is an effective means of elimination. Apply the essential oil daily until the wart is gone. 翻译:把1滴柠檬精油直接搽在长疣的地方,是消灭疣子的有效方法,正确地使用精油,可以让疣子消失。
26. Rosemary promotes alertness and stimulates memory. Inhale occasionally during long car trips and while reading or studying. 翻译:迷迭香能促进警觉性或刺激记忆。在长途汽车旅行或读书学习可以佛是偶尔吸入。
27. Selling your home? Fragrance sells! Fill the kitchen area with the aroma of spices such as Clove, Cinnamon and Vanilla. Simmer a few drops of the essential oil of Cinnamon, Nutmeg and other spices. Geranium oil sprinkled throughout the home creates a warm, cheerful and inviting mood. Add Cinnamon oil to furniture polish and wipe down the wood. 翻译:正在出售你的房子吗?来点芳香售卖!让厨房充满诸如丁香、肉桂和香草等各种香气。炖汤时滴上几滴肉桂、肉豆蔻和其他香料精油。在房间里喷洒天竺葵精油,可以营造一种温暖、愉悦和舒适的氛围。添加肉桂精油到家具光亮剂中,在木器上擦拭。
28. Add essential oils to paper mache. The result is the creation of a lovely aromatic piece of art. 翻译:滴加精油在纸上,可以创作出一件可爱的芳香艺术品。
29. Infuse bookmarks and stationery with essential oils. Place drops of oil on paper and put them in a plastic bag. Seal it and leave overnight to infuse the aroma. Send only good news in perfumed letters. 翻译:书签和文具用品与精油,在纸上滴几滴油放一个塑料袋里,密封好过一夜,留下芳香的气味。 用这些充满香气的信件可以传达喜讯。
30. Neck pillows, padded and decorative hangers make more memorable gifts simply by putting a couple of drops of essential oil on them before giving. 翻译:枕头、衬垫和装饰衣架在作为更有纪念意义的礼物送出之前,只需加入几滴精油。
31. Overindulge last night? Essential oils of Juniper, Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Lavender, Carrot, Fennel, Rosemary and Lemon help soften the effects of a hangover. Make your own blend of these oils and use a total of 6-8 drops in a bath. 翻译:昨晚你是否放纵过度了呢?杜松、雪松、葡萄柚、薰衣草,胡萝卜子、茴香、迷迭香和柠檬精油会减轻宿醉带给你的不适感觉。你只需将这些精油混合后在你的洗澡水中滴入6-8滴即可。
32. Essential oils of Vetivert, Cypress, Cedarwood, Frankincense and Myrrh all make wonderful firewood oil. Drop approximately 2-3 drops of oil or blend of your choice on a dried log and allow time for the oil to soak in before putting the log on the fire. 翻译:岩兰才、丝柏、雪松、、乳香、没药都是非常不错的木柴助燃油。直接使用单方精油、或者依据你的喜好将它们混合成复方精油后滴2-3滴到干燥的木柴上,静置一会,让木柴在被点燃前将精油充分渗透进去。
33. Flies and moths dislike Lavender oil. Sprinkle it on the outside of your window frames. 翻译:苍蝇和蛾虫不喜欢薰衣草的气味,把它喷撒在窗子的框架表面,可以赶走苍蝇和蛾虫。
34. Place 1 or 2 drops of sleep enhancing oils such as Chamomile, Lavender or Neroli on your pillow before retiring for restful sleep. 翻译:在休息前放一两滴能促进睡眠的精油如洋甘菊、薰衣草或耐奥利在枕头上能得到宁静的睡眠。
35. When moving into a new home, first use a water spray containing your favorite essential oils and change the odorous environment to your own. Do this for several days until it begins to feel like your space. 翻译:在搬进新家时,首先用加了你喜欢的精油的水喷洒以除去以前的味道,这样做几天后直到感觉像你自己的空间。
36. Ideal scents for the bedroom are Roman Chamomile, Geranium, Lavender or Lemon. 翻译:卧室的理想味道是罗马洋甘菊、天竺葵、薰衣草或柠檬的味道。
37. One drop of Lemon essential oil on a soft cloth will polish copper with a gentle buffing. 翻译:用加了一滴柠檬油的软布轻轻擦拭铜器可以为它抛光。
38. When washing out the fridge, freezer or oven, add 1 drop of Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Bergamot, Tangerine or Orange essential oil to the final rinse water. 翻译:在冲洗冰箱、冷冻机或烤箱时在最后一次冲洗水中可以加入一滴柠檬或莱姆或葡萄柚或佛手柑或橘或甜橙精油。
39. For bums or scalds, drop Tea Tree oil directly on the effected area. 翻译:在烧伤或烫伤后,直接滴茶树精油在创口部位。
40. Place 1 drop of Peppermint oil in 1/2 glass of water, sip slowly to aid digestion and relieve upset stomach. 翻译:滴一滴薄荷精油在半杯水里,慢慢吸入有助消化和减轻胃部不适。
41. Use 1 drop of Chamomile oil on a washcloth wrapped ice cube to relieve teething pain in children. 翻译:用滴洋甘菊精油滴在包有冰块的毛巾上可以减轻小孩出牙的疼痛。
42. Six to eight drops of Eucalyptus oil in the bath cools the body in summer and protects in winter. 翻译:洗澡时加入6至8滴尤加利精油,在夏天时可以使降低体温,在冬天可以保护身体
43. Add 1 drop Geranium oil to your facial moisturizer to bring out a radiant glow in your skin. 翻译:滴一滴天竺葵精油到你的面部保湿水中,会令你的肌肤容光焕发。
44. Place 1 or 2 drops of Rosemary on your hair brush before brushing to promote growth and thickness. 翻译:在梳头前在梳子上涂上1至2滴迷迭香有助于头发增长和变厚
45. When the flu is going around add a few drops of Thyme to your diffuser or simmer in a pan on the stove. 翻译:流感加强时,滴几滴百里香在加湿器里或在火上的平底锅加热。
46. To bring fever down, sponge the body with cool water to which 1 drop each of Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Lavender oils have been added. 翻译:为降低发烧时的温度, 可以用加了一滴尤加利,薄荷,薰衣草的凉水擦拭身体。
47. The blend of Lavender and Grapefruit oil is good for the office. Lavender creates a calm tranquil atmosphere while Grapefruit stimulates the senses and clears up stale air. 翻译:薰衣草和葡萄柚油的混合十分选用用于办公室。 薰衣草能制造镇静平静的气氛,葡萄柚刺激感觉并且清除室内陈旧的空气。
48. A blend of Geranium, Lavender and Bergamot alleviates anxiety and depression. Use in a room diffuser or 6-8 drops of this blend in the bath. 翻译:天竺葵, 薰衣草和佛手柑混合可以缓解忧虑和消沉。 可以放在室内加湿器里或滴6-8 滴在浴液中。
49. A wonderful massage blend for babies is 1 drop Roman Chamomile, 1 drop Lavender, 1 drop Geranium diluted in 2 Tablespoons Sweet Almond oil. 翻译:对婴孩最好的按摩油是1 滴罗马洋甘菊, 1 滴薰衣草, 1 滴天竺葵被稀释在2大汤匙中甜杏仁油。
50. 1 drop Peppermint oil diluted in 1 teaspoon vegetable oil rubbed on the back of the neck helps to relieve headaches. 翻译:把1滴欧薄荷加入1茶匙的基础油中,用于抹擦后颈,可以减轻头痛症状。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-14 12:58:35编辑过]