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主题:[征集翻译] 茶树精油在芳香疗法中的应用

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About Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree oil has great healing properties and has been used throughout the centuries as a useful treatment for many ailments; Aborigines in Australia have used it to treat ailments for many years.

Tree oil has no connection with the tea which is drunk.

Uses of Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree oil is a very useful essential oil for treating fungal infections, it can also useful in the fight against bacteria, infections and viruses. Tea Tree is also known to be an effective antiviral agent.
茶树精油对治疗真菌感染非常有效, 在对抗细菌,传染病和病毒方面也同样有用,它也是已知的一种有效的抗病毒媒介物。

Tea Tree can be especially useful during the first signs of colds and flu as it stimulates sweating which is one of the body’s natural forms of defence.

Other properties of Tea Tree oil include the ability to strengthen specific organs within the body and the body itself as a whole; Tea Tree oil also has cell regeneration properties and has the ability to help wounds heal.

Due to the effects Tea Tree essential oil has on the immune system it can be useful in the treatment of illnesses such as M.E. and on people who are H.I.V. positive. It can also be useful in the treatment of glandular fever.
由于茶树精油在免疫系统方面的疗效,它有助于治疗M.E. (查不到) 和H.I.V.(人类免疫缺陷病毒)阳性的患者,也有助于治疗腺热病。

Tea tree essential oil can also be used has a treatment for cold sores, acne, verrucae and warts.

Suggested Uses of Tea Tree Essential Oil

For cold sores dab neat Tea Tree Essential Oil directly onto the burning sensation at the first signs of a cold sore, or use it mixed with a little vodka.

For verrucae and warts place a drop of neat Tea Tree Essential Oil in the centre and cover with a plaster once a day, this procedure can take a couple of weeks before you will see the results.

To treat acne Tea Tree Essential Oil is best used by blending your own skin wash.

╭ ﹌╮╭ ∽╮ 佬嘙,兲湸啦﹖


(~﹊︸ ̄︸ ̄︸ ̄) 「懶蟲起床,懒喔!」

( ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ )

( ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ )

( ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ) 「佬嘙,再睡會嘛!」


